вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian ski mountain

You know whatapos;s absolutely fabulous?

Landing at 23.10, getting in the car at 23.25ish, getting home at 00.30ish, going to bed and turning on laptop to check schoolstuff for next day but their website is down. Talking with boyfriend (muchly missed) until 01,20 (whoops) going to sleep, getting up at 5,50, once again checking net for school stuff, website still down, looking around for printed out schedule with no luck. Getting ready to go, looking all nice, making a lunchbox, saying goodby to mother going to work, AND�NOW�COMES�THE�FUN�PART - cue script form

I was finishing my breakfast and� when I went over to the sink with my glass and plate some random giggly thoughts came to mind.
"I probably should have checked how my car was doing last night. Hasnapos;t been used for over two weeks. LOL if it wonapos;t start. Hallellujah - Praise the Lord " [(Iapos;m not usually one for praising anybody but we have this stupid stupid commercial on telly with envolves a salesman, a washing machine and a quoire. + their �ber annoying leader - Danish people will know what Iapos;m talking about - Skousen reklamer)]

So ten minutes later I close the house down and lock up, go to my car, get in, wiggle about a bit and turn the ignition. Or so I thought.

huvd huvd hudvd hudvdvddd. *
(*weak car noises)




If there is a God he has bad humour >_<

I called up my mom, told her how things were, I couldnapos;t get anywhere. Nobody around to help me, and I was late for my train already.
Thankfully today is apos;justapos; some lecture for years 08, 07, 06 called, Kompetence Dag. Meaning Qualifications Day or something like that from 900-1400.

So basically it could be worse, but still.

lol, my dad just called to hear how i was doing and to ask when the danes became christians xD Apparently one of his Ukranian students was curious ^^;

Anyway I went back to bed and slept from 7 to 12,22. Must have needed it. Have just finished eating my lunchbox (well the contents) and am now contemplatin calling my uncle (neighbour) to get him to please charge my car and make it work again.

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