вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian ski mountain

You know whatapos;s absolutely fabulous?

Landing at 23.10, getting in the car at 23.25ish, getting home at 00.30ish, going to bed and turning on laptop to check schoolstuff for next day but their website is down. Talking with boyfriend (muchly missed) until 01,20 (whoops) going to sleep, getting up at 5,50, once again checking net for school stuff, website still down, looking around for printed out schedule with no luck. Getting ready to go, looking all nice, making a lunchbox, saying goodby to mother going to work, AND�NOW�COMES�THE�FUN�PART - cue script form

I was finishing my breakfast and� when I went over to the sink with my glass and plate some random giggly thoughts came to mind.
"I probably should have checked how my car was doing last night. Hasnapos;t been used for over two weeks. LOL if it wonapos;t start. Hallellujah - Praise the Lord " [(Iapos;m not usually one for praising anybody but we have this stupid stupid commercial on telly with envolves a salesman, a washing machine and a quoire. + their �ber annoying leader - Danish people will know what Iapos;m talking about - Skousen reklamer)]

So ten minutes later I close the house down and lock up, go to my car, get in, wiggle about a bit and turn the ignition. Or so I thought.

huvd huvd hudvd hudvdvddd. *
(*weak car noises)




If there is a God he has bad humour >_<

I called up my mom, told her how things were, I couldnapos;t get anywhere. Nobody around to help me, and I was late for my train already.
Thankfully today is apos;justapos; some lecture for years 08, 07, 06 called, Kompetence Dag. Meaning Qualifications Day or something like that from 900-1400.

So basically it could be worse, but still.

lol, my dad just called to hear how i was doing and to ask when the danes became christians xD Apparently one of his Ukranian students was curious ^^;

Anyway I went back to bed and slept from 7 to 12,22. Must have needed it. Have just finished eating my lunchbox (well the contents) and am now contemplatin calling my uncle (neighbour) to get him to please charge my car and make it work again.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t know that sick quite cuts it, but Iapos;ve had a tension headache since yesterday. Seemed to abate slightly earlier, but not fully go away, and now itapos;s back with a vengeance.

Bought a little bit of Haitian art today and supported a good cause.

Might have a good deal on a sculpture as well- depending on shipping cost. The guy is traveling, so weapos;ll see what happens when he gets back home.

Harsh week ahead. Hope I get some sleep.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I wish it would rain today-

my shabby top, snot covered and all, pleases me in itapos;s familiarity and comfiness.
Definitely my favorite article of clothing. By far.
Tonight i will spend alone. Like iapos;ve been all week.
Mom and Dad arenapos;t even around this time. But iapos;m glad. Their constant bickering keeps me walking on eggshells.
My sister is home, but sheapos;s merely a ghost in my eyes. So i wonapos;t say she counts.


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equipment karting

I decided to write an origin story for one of my RP characters.

Forgive any mistakes, itapos;s only on itapos;s second draft. (Meaning I wrote it down then typed it up.)


It was a beautiful day. Few clouds marred the clear blue sky and the air was fresh with the smell of grass and the slowly evaporating dew. Feliks smiled in spite of his position. ldquo;Probably wish you were spotter today, donrsquo;t you, comrade lieutenant?rdquo; he called jokingly down into the body of his olive drab tank. ldquo;You wonrsquo;t be so happy to be up there once we meet the Mages, Neverov.rdquo; Came the stern reply. The truth of the statement brought the large tanker back to the mission.
His crew, along with the rest of the Third Tanker Division and several elements of the Fifth Regular army, had been charged with wiping out a large group of Mages that intelligence had spotted setting up camp earlier that night. It would be a hard battle most likely, even if they caught them just as they were just breaking camp: While they didnrsquo;t have many firearms, a single well-trained Mage could destroy a tank in one blow. Luckily their spells took time and they were going to take their camp by surprise, they hoped.
A voice crackled over his helmet radio. It was the Commander. ldquo;Alright comrades,rdquo; he began ldquo;The objective is over the next hill. As of five minutes ago, the enemy didnrsquo;t know we were here. I canrsquo;t speak for their state of alertness now, but if we wait any longer for new intelligence theyapos;ll move on and our mission will be forfeit. Tanks ready?rdquo; An affirmative. ldquo;Riflemen ready?rdquo; Another affirmative.
ldquo;Move in.rdquo;
As they rolled forward, Feliks briefly wondered about the wisdom of advancing without completely up-to-date intel. Too late to change anything though. The first of the tanks drove over the ridge, but nothing happened. No spells, no cannons, no machine guns. One of the forward tanks spoke up. ldquo;Sir? They arenrsquo;t here.rdquo; The air was silent for a moment. ldquo;Third Division, move in. Fifth Army soldiers, cover our rear.rdquo;
As the camp came into view, Feliks saw tents, vehicles and even some still-burning stoves left untended. ldquo;Steady comrades, this looks like an ambush." Someone said over the radio. The column of tanks proceeded forward in an arrowhead formation. Then the anonymous soldierrsquo;s suspicions were violently confirmed. A wall of flame shot up behind the column of tanks. Screams of surprise and pain rose from their Regular Army escort as they were engulfed and/or cut off by the flames. ldquo;Oh god Hold the line, friends Wersquo;ve lost our ground troopsrdquo; The Commander yelled over the rapidfire radio chatter.
Just as he finished his sentence there came a yell- A warcry, from the hedgerows to the right of the column. The tankers nearest the bushes screamed in pain as their rigs were slammed with everything from fireballs to hot steam. Cries to god preceded two explosions as their tanks went up in flames. ldquo;Right Right Protect the flankrdquo; Feliks yelled frantically into his tank. As they were in the left-hand portion of the arrowhead, they couldnrsquo;t get a clear shot at their enemies. A bolt of some flaming material flew past Feliksrsquo;s head as they rolled forward. He raised his binoculars and called out to their gunner: ldquo;Mikeys at nine oapos;clock Firerdquo; A second later a shell burst forth from their cannon, sending a group of Mages flying. The crew let out whoops of triumph.
Their Jubilations were short-lived though as their shot had garnered them the attentions of their enemies. Feliks dug for his SKS as a fireball slammed into the side of their tank. ldquo;Lieutenant Wersquo;ve lost our wheelsrdquo; cried their navigator. Shit thought Feliks. Another direct hit and theyrsquo;d be done for. He began to fire his rifle into the rapidly approaching crowd along with their machine gunner.
They fired round after round and clip after clip into the mob, but they only seemed to keep coming. Tanks were exploding or being abandoned all round them. So much for their ambush. Then another fireball hit their tank. And the engine caught fire. Oh godhellip;Feliks thought quietly. ldquo;Abandon the tank Get outrdquo; He yelled as he scrambled out of his hatch and out of the rig. He hit the ground running, quickly jumping behind the burning hull of another tank just as his went up in smoke. No one else got out.
By now their line was in shambles. Only five tanks were still in fighting condition, and that number dropped again before his eyes. The initial wall of flame had also died down a bit. Enough that in some places, if Feliks got a running start, he could make it to the other side and meet up with his Comrades in the Fifth Regular. He gave it some thought. Why not? He had nothing to loose, really. He sighed and began to run as if the devil himself were after him.
As he neared the former wall of fire, the amount of spells being flung at him got larger and larger. By the time he finally jumped to safety, he was amazed he was alive. His relief was lost quickly when he found not an army waiting to charge but a crowd of white-faced men all staring at the comm officer, who was staring in disbelief at his radio. Feliks tapped the shoulder of the soldier nearest him and asked what had happened. The man turned slowly and said, looking blankly at the tanker, ldquo;They did it, comradehellip; They fired their nukeshellip; We fired ours in self-defensehellip; They knew we were here, along with the mageshellip; We have five minutes before the ICBM hitshellip;rdquo;
Feliks was quiet. Oh. He tried to think of a reply, but he couldnrsquo;t. He couldnrsquo;t really think of anything. He strapped his rifle to his shoulder and crossed through a burnt out patch of flames in the wall and back onto the battlefield. One tank was left fighting. There were soon Mages all over it. The survivors were being led away. As spells flew past him, Feliks gently laid down in the grass. It was just as beautiful as it had been before: There were only a few clouds to mar the perfect blue sky, and the air was fresh with the smell of grass and the now-evaporated dew. He sighed. Life was perfect, he realized. Nothing could compare to the sheer thrill of being alive.
But his comfort was interrupted. A man was running towards him and looking at the sky. Huh. Thought Feliks, if hersquo;s not careful hersquo;ll trip. I wonder why hersquo;s running? They must have seen the nuke. Before he could think any more though, the mage tripped over the prone tanker. The rock he had been holding to fuel his spell of protection fell out of his hand and onto Feliksrsquo;s chest. And before the Mage could recover it there was a glint of silver in the sky. Feliks closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, the sky was red. There was a wind blowing, carrying debris and the ashes of his dead comrades and enemies. And there was a large, mushroom-shaped cloud in the center of everything.
He stood, took a look around him, then quietly turned his back on the scene and walked away.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

de afghanan

I have an ear infection. It went from "itchy inner ear/nuisance" on Wednesday to "why canapos;t I open my mouth all the way or hear out of this ear" on Thursday. I went to the doc-in-a-box and the doc took one look in my ear and diagnosed Swimmerapos;s ear. He wasnapos;t even with me for 5 minutes. Walked to the Peopleapos;s RX next door and got some ear drops. Total cost (so far): $117. Thank god Iapos;m young and healthy or not having health insurance would suck At the rate Iapos;m going now, however, spending $120 on health care for the year is way less than I would be spending on insurance, so itapos;s working out okay so far.

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After putting off a teeth cleaning for seven months, I finally decided to have my big trap worked on.� Much to my surprise it was painless and after 14 months of not visiting the dentist, I was gingivitis and cavity free� Most amazing though was the fact that my entire check up cost a mere $13 (USD). My friend had the same thing done to his mouth but with x-rays for an additional six dollars.� I was a little surprised because there was no mouthwash anywhere in sight. �The dentist had me rinse with water after scaling my teeth. But, Iapos;m not complaining considering how inexpensive my time in the chair was. It was honestly the easiest dental visit I�ever had.� No forms to fill out, not even any waiting time.� Apparently in South Korea appointments with the dentist are not obligatory.�In general, dental work is so cheap here. �My same friend is having a wisdom tooth pulled next week for $21�(USD).� I think I could get my teeth cleaned as often as I want because my visit was not recorded anywhere in a computer or my national insurance card. My former dentist would charge me $25 if I didnapos;t show up for an appointment or forgot to cancel.� So, Iapos;d definitely say I got a GREAT deal today

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